Friday, January 1, 2010


Nice date uh. Hmms. where shall i start talking from.
Christmas gathering with J,I,X,S,C and Meeeee. At vivo. i could still remember the very big helium balloons. Exchanged presents and ateeeee. then talk a while and walk around. :D THANKS FOR THE PRESENTS! now still waiting for the photos lahh! :D
Meeting and scouts campfireeee. Meeting was long but quite okayyy. Then ate mac with batchmates and celeste then went for campfire. waited very long due to the rain. then the ground is very MUDDDDYYYY. then shoes dirty. Couldnt get high enough because i was really tired. fire was not as nice as last year. but did have fun with the snow spray. then went ss with X. and saw some idiot ppl calling my nameee.
Last day of 2009. i guessed i went to eat NYNY with my sisters! :D candyfloss so bigggg. :D food was niceeee. Hawaii chicken! :D and summer cuddle and rootbeer float. niceeee but expensive. walk around and saw cotton on saleeee. Then went back. to watch countdownnnn. HAHAHA. i guesed there's training on this day cos i remembered going to jp with X,J and I. popular was really really real crowded. I suggest they should have express line for people like usss. HAHA. super nice auntie there trying to give vouchers. LOL. Then saw linda. Watched countdown and here comes 20100000.
Todayyy. :D first day of 2010. making clay into accessories with my sister. super fun but some i make one not nice ahhh. but products are niceeeee. i shall show the pictures next time. Thanks for all the 2010 messages. :D

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