Saturday, January 16, 2010

16th Jan 2010

HELLLLOOOOOS. Back to blogger again! :D Went to tj with shu,char,xh,izz,jing and leeshan to discuss some cca stuffs. We really had a lot of laughter siaaaaa. Thinking of some silly steps and getting serious at times tooo. All thanks to the dancers for not sharing the space with ussss. You guys are really so sharing ahhh. =.=

Went to get bubbletea,graphpaper and my mechanical pencil. Now we know its difficult to choose a nice pencil ahhh. HAHAHA! To my dearest phoneeee, stop hang-ing on meeeee. and and and memory card got problems too. i ought to bring it for some repairs rightttt. Too farrr lahh.

And stop playing comp all day longggg. Alright,i shall do some homework the next dayyy. :D
ITS SUNDAY TMRRRR. but monday's comingggg sooonnnn. Idiot.

Ohya,a total of 19 juniors and i hope they will develop a PASSION for this cca. 19 may not be a big number but it already make a differenceeee. :DDDDDDDD i really cannot remember any of their namess. Or rather i should say i dunno how to spell themmm. Familar faces as well. Those me and xh saw in Orientation. :DDDDD BangBang and who's the leader gameee. Its a sad thing that me and xh won but have to do forfeit. But is for joy and laughterrr.

Double S-es,please start doing your workkk man. (its not you,fyi) I just hate ppl who do rubbish work and expect ppl to clear up the mess for themmm. then you may as well dont dooo,righttt. Neither are you outstanding at the other sideee. then tell me what have you been doing here and thereeee. Those others are just working so hard to cover for the work you are supposed to do. Stop and think what is the correct moveee. Excuses are not applicable hereee. Who knows how to do eveything in the first placeee. dictionary got such work called LEARN. I knew its not my problem, but i just cannot stand itttt.

Shall not think about it anymore. i know the other 3 can make it themselvesss. :DDDDDDDD i trust theemmmmm. :D Okay,BYEEEEE. :D

Ps/ i've been typing :D all day longgg. this must be the conseqence of talking too much to Charmaineeee.

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