Sunday, September 12, 2010

13 Sept 2010

Did i mention that i went to JB in the holidays? Well,i think i didn't. Hmm,jb was not fun as i thought it is. Because i went on a sunday and there's too many many many ppl! the road there was jammed like mad. o.O But i have to admit that the food is cheap. Bought many cakes and puffs back. :D

Bought a bag and a shirt. and went to school the ohter day with fr and studying with her after that. What topics will be coming out tmr? damn,i scared what i studied won't be out! but on the other hand,i shall not rely on Japan solely. Don't put all eggs in a basket? idk if this is right. o.O

I know i should be studying now but i feel BOREDDDD. same information,same papers. This is getting boring after you flipped many many times. No choice, continuing flipping ya? i shall look forward to the days after olevel. because i got a long long long break! :D

I shall be careful not to fall into the traps tmr. Okay,i try,at least. :D i can't wait to empty those information in my mind tmr. But leave traces of Biology behind because i still need them in paper one. o.O

But one thing i worried about the most is I CAN'T WAKE UP TMR. haha,i've been turning off my alarms and continue sleeping in the past few days. i wanna wake up at 8 everyday but only wake up at 9 or 10. :X

Sometimes,i adored the characteristics of SpongeBob. Not because it's dumb and the silly acts. I admit it's adorable. But the fact that it's a Sponge. I hope to absorb information like how sponge absorbs water.

Why must human have heart? because i had a hard time memo-ing the information of a cardiac cycle. Contract & relax. Ventricles and aorta. This is getting me crazy.

but when i told my mun about this.

She told me that," if you don't have a heart,you wouldn't be complaining now." Because without a heart,your body cannot receive oxygen and a lot of reactions may be difficult to maintain.

So i decided to cherish the presence of my heart! :D

Sometimes i feel that i can rememeber facts about history and socail studies fast,but why not the others? This is called Practice Makes Perfect. & passion. i've got to learn to love sciences and Amaths.

Okay, off to study already. :D

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